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The Vice President of the Association of Doctors and Dentists (AMMD), Dr Philippe Wilmes, slammed the government’s National Health Plan, stating that it is full of empty promises and fails to address the actual issues plaguing Luxembourg’s healthcare system.

Dr Philippe Wilmes, Vice-President of the AMMD, expressed disappointment with the recently presented National Health Plan in an interview with our colleagues from RTL Radio on Tuesday morning.

He stated that it was “yet another missed opportunity” to develop a comprehensive and intelligent strategy for “our sick healthcare system.”

According to Dr Wilmes, the plan’s excessive focus on planning and a centrally controlled economy raised concerns, as history has shown that such an approach leads to scarcity and would exacerbate existing shortages of doctors, healthcare workers, and essential medical equipment in Luxembourg.

Dr Wilmes stressed that people are suffering as they endure prolonged waiting times for medical care: “People are waiting and they are waiting themselves sick.”

He criticised the plan as being full of empty promises, primarily intended to gain political support in the lead-up to the elections.

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